Role of the Board of Directors

Overall, the Nebraska LEAD Program is sponsored and governed by the Board of Director's of the Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council (NALC). Members of the board represent a broad cross section of production agriculture and agribusiness from throughout the state.

Each March at the annual meeting, the membership of the NALC elect board members for three-year terms. All members of the board are limited to no more than two consecutive terms. The board is responsible for annually electing its slate of officers who later become members of the ''executive board."

Members of the board volunteer to serve on one of four subcommittees:

Curriculum: The Curriculum Committee is responsible for deciding the content and location of the yearly seminars. Members recognize that issues surrounding Nebraska agriculture often change. Issues that may have been cutting edge or relevant five years ago, may not be as relevant today. This committee advises the program director for possible changes in curriculum.

Communications: The Communications Committee advises the program director on all areas of communications including print media, radio or TV avenues or publications such as the LEAD Newsletter or annual report of donors.

Recruitment/Selection: The Recruitment/Selection Committee advises the program director on ways to recruit individuals for the program. They may open doors to various print, radio or TV opportunities. The chair of this committee is also responsible for approving the final slate of participants/fellows for the upcoming seminar year.

Resource Development: The Resource Development Committee assists with fundraising efforts, thanking donors and advises the program director on investment strategies or decisions. They also advise on program budgets.