Highlights of the Nebraska LEAD Program

Program officials are often asked to provide a listing of major accomplishments of the program. While that list is not only endless but constantly changing, a very condensed listing of some of the highlights since the beginning of the Nebraska LEAD Program in 1981 include:

  • Was originally designed to last from three to five years.
  • The Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council continues to be the governing board of the Nebraska LEAD Program.
  • Alumni numbers have now surpassed the 1100-member level and each year our program receives considerable support from the LEAD Alumni Association.
  • Many donors have contributed consistently and loyally since the beginning of the program. Several donors have established permanent endowments that will provide a steady income for many years to come.
  • The comprehensive program is one of the most cost efficient in the country.
  • The program continues, since the beginning, to coordinate the activities of two concurrent groups of up to thirty Fellows at any given time. Application numbers continue to provide for a very competitive selection process.
  • The program is known nationwide as one of the premier programs in operation. The Nebraska program is often called upon for assistance and/or when new programs are established.
  • Regularly scheduled external follow-up studies have consistently rated the program and program results very high on the rating scale.
  • The impact of the program, as evidenced by alumni involvement in leadership position, is far beyond even the most visionary goals of the program's founders. We estimate over 1,500 leadership positions have been, over the last 40 years, held by our alumni.